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LYF 2nd Facilitator Training

Updated: May 9, 2022

April 30, 2022

Our 2nd Training was once again held at the very comfortable function room at Kg Siglap. We were encouraged by the signups. A total of 24 participants attended the full day session.


With former SSO musicians in our midst, their talents were used to start the session with music and songs.

Official welcome and a brief of LYF by our Program Director, Mr Bernard Fong.

How is LYF different from other NGOs? LYF Chairman, Mr Sam Lim explains.

LYF Director of Training, Mr Gordon Tan taking the participants through each letter and what what it means / entails in VASES PROGRAM.

Mr Andrew Ong, LYF Director of Corporate Affairs taking the participants through some pointers on the Code of Conduct and what is expected of Facilitators.

The attendees (minus one) posed for a group shot. Thank you for your time!

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